Sunday, March 16, 2014

life does get interesting.  since my last post, Mom died, dealt with all that entails, cleaned out her apartment and started a new stage in my life, being motherless. 
Bounced back from that life lesson and continued down life's path.  11 months later Dad died.  You realize that immortality does not exist, but are you ever prepared for those kinds of life altering events?  I think not.
Just as I'm thinking that nothing else can happen, my 21 year old nephew becomes seriously ill and passes away too!  I know God does not give us more than we can handle, but seriously.  My grief is nothing to that of my brother and sister-in-law.  We have keep vigil at the hospital for a week, surrounded by family and friends.  The grace that my brothers' family has shown is amazing!

But life this last year and a half have not been all sorrow and sadness.  I have changed jobs! Started work at the local quilt shop that I have been having quilts quilted at for years.  This has been the most liberating thing that I have done in some time!  I now go to a job that is new and fresh every day with people that I really have a connection with.

I have also renewed my friendship with God.  Not that it was lost, just buried in the back of the closet somewhere. 

Now, on to brighter things.  The quilt shop that I work at, Kessler Kreations, in Hillsboro KS is a full service shop.  We offer lots of fabric choices, custom quilt construction, long arm quilting, hand quilting, quilt finishing services and also are a drop off for alterations, sewing machine repair and computer repair. 
The shop also has consignors for antiques, baby items, gift items and ideas, used book sales, finished quilts, re-purposed furniture and decorative pieces, cards and local high school and college items.  We sell baby blankets, boppy pillows, crib comfort sets, cute onsie clothing and hair accessories.
 Check out our presence on Facebook at Kessler Kreations.  We are just getting started good with that endeavor. But keep watching, we are posting projects and events often.

Facebook/Kessler Kreations